In the previous article, we discussed the importance of testing hemp-cannabis products for their quality and compounds, you can read on this link >> https://www.kannabiztech.co.th/en/cannabis-cannabis-analysis-standard-ep1/ In this article, we will talk about heavy metals and their effects on hemp-cannabis.
Heavy metals are contaminants that can attach to hemp-cannabis during the cultivation process. Hemp-cannabis is known to be very sensitive to heavy metal absorption, and they are usually absorbed from fertilizers, water, and soil. Heavy metals that have specific gravity five times more than water, such as tin, zinc, copper, lead, arsenic, and mercury, have a slow decomposition rate. If the body ingests these heavy metals, it may cause symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, nausea, and vomiting. This is why testing for heavy metals is crucial before consuming hemp-cannabis products.
Kannabiz Tech Lab can detect heavy metals such as Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, and Cadmium. Currently, there are criteria for determining the values of residual heavy metals according to Act 414, which you can find more information about here >> http://www.ratchakitcha.soc.go.th/DATA/PDF/2563/E/118/T_0017.PDF.
The machine used by Kannabiz Tech Lab for heavy metal analysis is the ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer). It is a technique for quantitative analysis of trace elements and metals, which can analyze multiple elements at the same time at ppb and ppt levels. It uses argon plasma to ionize a +1 charge and incinerate the sprayed sample in the flame. It is then passed on to separate and measure the mass by mass per charge (m/z) with a quadrupole mass spectrometer. This technique is also popular for the determination of heavy metals.
If you are interested in having your produce or products analyzed, or if you want to learn about our promotions for hemp-cannabis analysis, please visit our website at https://www.kannabiztech.co.th/en/home/ and register at https://www.kannabiztech.co.th/en/analyse-testing/
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