CBD and Alleviating Osteoporosis Symptoms: Exploring the Potential Benefits of CBD Extracts for Bone Health
Case Study: CBD’s Effect on Postpartum Bone Health
There are cases involving two postpartum women with osteopenia who were treated with oral cannabidiol (CBD) and showed a reduction in bone markers. In a 12-week randomized study, participants received either 100 mg or 300 mg of CBD per day.
Researchers in Canada found that CBD was well-tolerated with no significant changes reported in sleep, depression, anxiety, or quality of life. Cannabis sativa L., with a long history of medical use, was investigated for its potential impact on bone metabolism in these two postpartum women with osteopenia.
The women participated in the study through clinical research centers in Mexico and the Alburquerque Bone Care Disease Center, New Mexico, where they received CBD gel with concentrations greater than 100 mg or 300 mg (<0.3% delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol [THC]).
The study reported a reduction in bone markers associated with bone resorption and formation, similar to inhibitory medications such as hormone therapy and bisphosphonates.
While prior studies linked a decrease in bone markers with an ultimate increase in bone density, the changes associated with CBD and bones suggest improvements in bone density. Based on these case study results, the researchers recommend conducting large randomized controlled trials on CBD’s inhibitory properties in postpartum women.
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