When people think of hemp, they often associate it with cannabis and assume it has the same psychoactive properties. However, hemp has a wide range of uses beyond that.
Today, Kannabiz Tech will provide clarity on the different components of hemp and their various uses. Let’s start with:
- Flowers (buds): can be used to produce traditional medicine, modern medicine, and CBD oil.
- Seeds: are commonly used in the food and beverage industry, as well as the cosmetic industry.
- Leaves: are also used in the food and beverage industry, as well as the cosmetic industry.
- Stalk’s skin: can be used in the cosmetic industry, particularly in the production of soap and shampoo.
- Stem: can be used to produce traditional medicine.
- Roots: are used in the cosmetic industry, particularly in the production of scrubs, soap, and facial products.
Some of these components can be extracted and used to create finished products for a variety of industries. However, it’s important to note that the THC content in hemp must be less than 0.2% as regulated.
Overall, hemp has a wide range of uses and can be an important resource for a variety of industries. Understanding the different components and their uses can help to maximize the benefits of this versatile plant.
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