Continuing on to the 3rd episode, we will discuss planting patterns for hemp. Nowadays, crop cultivation is not limited to traditional soil cultivation, and there are two main methods of cultivating hemp:
Soil cultivation is easy to grow and has a high chance of survival. It is also suitable for all methods of planting mentioned in Episode 2. However, soil-based planting requires regular monitoring of soil quality, including checking for chemical contaminants, soil fungi, and essential minerals. Soil-based planting may require frequent soil changes or breaks.
Water cultivation involves growing hemp plants in water, where the plants obtain minerals and nutrients directly from the water. This method eliminates the risk of soil contamination, but it requires significant expertise on the part of growers. Any mistakes or imbalances in the water system could lead to subsequent damage.
As you can see, these factors can significantly affect hemp yields. At Cannabis Tech Co., Ltd., we choose to import high-quality seeds from abroad and grow our hemp in a closed greenhouse system using water instead of soil. This ensures 100% control over the environment, equivalent to medical-grade level, and produces the best quality crops for our customers.
If you’re interested in ordering, please contact us for inquiries about fresh hemp leaves, dried hemp leaves, roots, dried stems, or hemp extract. We are committed to providing only the best products to our customers.
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