If you’re interested in growing hemp or cannabis, it’s important to know that there are different types of each. Today, we want to share some knowledge about the cultivation systems for hemp and cannabis.
Open system planting (outdoor) involves planting in an outdoor area that cannot control various factors such as weather conditions. However, this method does not require an investment in building a greenhouse.
Closed system planting (indoor) involves using agricultural technology to control the production factors of water, air, nutrients, and humidity to develop a higher quality agricultural system in terms of quantity and quality. This method saves natural resources and is environmentally friendly, resulting in high-quality production.
Semi-closed planting involves growing in greenhouses that use natural light bulbs to control the growing environment. This method may not be as effective as planting in a closed system.
The choice of planting method depends on the purpose of the cultivation.
At Kannabiz Tech, we choose to grow hemp in a closed system (indoor) which ensures high-quality yields and easy quality control.
Looking for high-quality hemp products? Check out https://www.kannabiztech.co.th/products-en/
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